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Importance of Improving Digital Media Presence

  • Digital Marketing

What is Digital Media Presence:

From pin to a plane, people search for everything either on search engines like Google, yahoo, Bing etc. or social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram etc. Even if they do not search business tries to reach them through digital media according to interest, behavior, age, habits, education, etc. To reach clients through digital media we must have a virtuous digital media presence through which we can allure clients to our products or services.


Is your website have the latest design & equivalent information the client is looking for? Does your website rank on a search engine if someone is searching for the product or service of your company?


If your answer is No and your analytics show a higher bounce rate than you must consider improving your business digital presence. Your company’s digital presence should be competent enough with your competitors and trends in digital media. Not only the website but also your social media pages, web application, and mobile application should be contemporary.


digital media presence

Why Digital Media Presence is Important?

In the era of complete digitalization, when everything is available online do we need to answer this question? The digital platform provides ease of access to the clients and business both. But just to be present on social media is not enough. Everyone must notice your presence.

Let me show you some interesting facts about the digital media so that above question should not strike in your mind ever again:

  1. 97% of US adults under 65 are on social media at least once a month. The vast majority are on it every day. Social media is strongly chosen for providing customer care.
  2. 22% of the world population is on Facebook. 62% of people in the US are there.
  3. 76% of Facebook users and 51% of Instagram users are on it every day.
  4. The internet has 4.54 billion users
  5. There are 3.725 billion active social media users
  6. 2 or more social media channels are used by 91% of retail brands
  7. Social media users grew by 328 million between October 2018 and October 2019.
  8. Customers will spend 21% more when receiving good social media support
  9. 500,000 people sign up for Facebook daily
  10. The trend right now is the average person spends over 2 hours a day on social media. Teenagers average 9 hours.
  11. In 2019, Google accounted for just over 75% of all global desktop search traffic, followed by Bing at 9.97%, Baidu at 9.34%, and Yahoo at 2.77%.
  12. Google has received nearly 2.3 trillion searches this year.
  13. Of the billions of searches that happen on a given day, 15% of daily searches are new to Google.
  14. Google’s search algorithm uses more than 200 factors to rank website

How to improve Digital Media Presence:

Post regularly on social media: Not every post needs to be a business post, it could be a joke or any regular post but it must engage the readers.

  1. Be available online for your customers: This is very much important to retain existing clients and to gain trust of clients. If it’s a query or complaint raised online you must solve it.
  2. Promote your business on paid media: If you are not ranking organically promote your business through paid media this will increase traffic on website which will eventually affect organic ranking also brand awareness will be created. You can have full control over your budgets, target audience and keywords. You can hire experts from Sigma Solve to give you the maximum output through your result-driven paid campaigns
  3. Improve your ranking through SEO: Improve your organic ranking on Google and other search engines through effective SEO strategy. Hire a team of experts from Sigma Solve to take care of your SEO rankings.
  4. Actively engage with your audience: Engage with your audience answer questions on your post and video, reply to their comments. This way you can provide better customer service, gain loyal customer & engagement is an investment in customer relationship.
  5. Pay attention to what’s trending: Digital media is the fastest-changing industry hence be aware of trends in social media or other platforms and apply the same to your business. Your business must be eligible to walk with the trends and not behind

Lesson in Short:

In this rapidly changing digital world, our digital media presence should be acquainted with the trends to get the client’s attention and retention. Digital media has changed numerous things since it was launched and it is significant to get on the trend and drive it. Businesses cannot afford to lose clients from digital media and that is why you should choose experts like Sigma Solve for maintaining your digital media presence. As we all know Digital marketing is not an expense, it is an Investment.

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