QA and Testing

Building trust, bug by bug, with Quality Assurance and Testing Services

Elevate your software with expert QA from glitches to greatness.

Software without quality is a liability, prone to jeopardizing business goals. Sigma Solve empowers businesses with high-quality enterprise software solutions by extending precision-governed quality assurance and testing services. Our end-to-end testing automation and quality assurance services reduce test time and costs while delivering reliable, scalable, and agile software solutions.

Our quality assurance and testing services entail developing a testing strategy and institutionalizing the testing environment to testing module preparation and testing reports. We ensure that our software testing identifies and fixes bugs and delivers peak performance sustainably.

Prescribe Paramount Performance with What We Solve

Being an enterprise software solution provider offering Quality Assurance and Testing services is obvious, as it plays the most pivotal role in securing the functionality, sustainability, and performance of the applications.

Bugs and Defects Identification

Software must be absolutely free of bugs and errors. QA identifies defects and bugs generated during software development. We ensure that the final product is full of functionalities but free of flaws to ensure user experiences are not compromised.

Functional Accuracy

The software functionalities must match the client’s requirements. QA helps validate each function and streamline the process. It brings accuracy to software components and their functionalities. In a nutshell, QA reduces the practical errors in the software.

Performance Optimization

The order, cadence, and action of each function must be optimal. QA helps process flaws and mitigates the risks of process failure by optimizing the performance of the software. Testing ensures software can withhold user traffic and process load.

User Experience Enhancement

Quality is enhanced with an eye on improving user experiences. QA specifically evaluates issues related to the user experience, such as ease of access and use. Consequently, it helps improve accessibility, navigation issues, and the user interface.

Compatibility Testing

The software has to be compatible in many aspects. QA ensures that the software’s integration is harmonious with third-party platforms and congenial with various browsers, operating systems, and devices to deliver a sustainable user experience.

Vulnerability Mitigation

Cyber threats are increasing, and QA helps mitigate security-related vulnerabilities. Software must ensure that user information remains safe and can’t be stolen. Authentication and access mechanisms are evaluated to be robust against hacking.

Regulatory Compliance

Data privacy-related regulations are strengthening across the world. QA ensures software meets all industry standards and follows best practices. QA ensures that industry-specific regulations are complied with stringently for a secure environment.

Cost Reduction

The cost of defective software is double. QA recognizes errors and bugs in the early stages to ensure software development remains bug-free and does not escalate expenses. Also, fixing errors after the release consumes a lot of time, money, and effort.

Continuous Improvement

Quality assurance and testing is a way of constantly building better software. QA entails enhancement procedures that go hand-in-hand with bug finding. It helps evaluate the software, as it is built to ensure the software is released with improvements.

Elongate the Life Cycle with QA and Testing Services

Functionality Testing

Our QA services focus on enhancing the user experience. Therefore, we identify, validate, and fix function-related anomalies and inconsistencies to ensure the application delivers the expected results.

Performance Testing

Our performance testing inquires into load time, responsiveness, stability, and system stress. We deploy best practices and methodologies to analyze and rectify performance errors to optimize the application.

Security Testing

Security testing reveals possible cyber threats to data and applications. Such vulnerability results in data breaches, cyberattacks, and system crashes. We diligently secure the system from hackers.

Compatibility Testing

Software must perform equitably across servers, frameworks, devices,operating systems, and databases. Our QA test team ensures all the malfunctions related to compatibility are identified and fixed in time.


Selenium-Based Test Automation

Sigma Solve is a leading provider of Selenium-Based Test Automation services that empower businesses to achieve efficient and reliable software testing.

Database Testing

For a database to function in sync with applications, data has to be validated, consistent, and reliable. Our database testing is an incremental process to evaluate changes to prevent revenue losses.

Test Automation

Test automation ensures quick simulation, scaled usability, and maintenance ease. It demonstrates a platform-independent on-demand testing capabilities. Test automation helps adapt to various methods quickly.

API Automation Testing

Although it requires less test maintenance, API automation testing investigates load time, API security, efficiency, and overall performance. API automation testing validates bug handling for API correctness.

Optimize Applications with Our QA and Testing Approach

Optimize Applications with Our QA and Testing
Optimize Applications with Our QA and Testing_rESPONSIVE

Software Testing Life Cycle



Test Case




Expand Revenue Streams with Our QA and Testing Service Benefits

Why Sigma Solve for QA and Testing?

Sigma Solve delivers precision, reliability, and seamless integration for robust software quality assurance.

About us

Sigma Solve Inc. stands at the forefront of AI and digital transformation companies, swiftly advancing in the competitive landscape of America. With a strong presence in the USA, Australia, and India, we embrace the mission of reinventing businesses through innovative solutions and harnessing the power of human creativity and technology. 

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